Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Is a New Milestone

 Here I am wading into some new waters. After reading so many great blogs, I want to join in the conversation. My first attempts will be rather tame, but you'll see there is new territory and experiences here in Northeast Ohio I want to share.
 Today is 70 degrees and humid. The cutting back in the perennial gardens went well with a sharp soil knife(my favorite tool) and a big blue wheelbarrow.
The Lespedeza is just beginning it's show of a fucshia fountain of bloom. Joe Pye  and Buddleia  are also adding the late summer color pallette. The hybrid lillies were dug and will get fresh homes in a few weeks. It's amazing how many in bulbs were under the soil. We have heavy clay and so getting the right conditions for all the different plants requires a good bit of planning and conditioning to make suitable soil  for my garden plants.
A gentle rain is falling and I have other chores to complete. Join me as I turn over stones.